Professional Photographers of South Carolina: February Midlands meet-up
A few weeks ago Wendy and I went out to 701 Whaley here in Columbia for a meeting of the Professional Photographers of South Carolina Midlands chapter. The get together was a “show up and shoot”, meaning that we, well, showed up and shot…pictures (I feel that I should clarify that for my hunting relatives and friends in law enforcement). Lee Bradshaw of One 27 Media (and one of our amazing wedding photographers) set up the meeting, so a couple of weeks before hand I emailed him and asked if they could use any models. He said that some additional models would be appreciated, so I got in touch with Michael and Katie who had recently gotten engaged and who are a stunningly beautiful couple, inside and out. Wendy and I probably hogged them for way more of the night than we should have, and I hope the other photographers there (like the talented and very sweet Stephanie Seay who we met there) didn’t mind too much.
Anyway, we put together a slide show of some of the photos we took. We hope you like it!
At one point, while I was either hogging Michael and Katie or looking over Lee’s shoulder, Wendy grabbed Megan, who also graciously agreed to pose for us that night, and got these glamorous shots…in the bathroom. Yup, for some reason that’s where they keep the really cool furniture at 701 Whaley.
Thanks to the PPofSC and to Lee for putting this together, to 701 Whaley for having us and providing a great backdrop and to our lovely models Katie, Michael, and Megan. You guys rock!
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Wow that is an amazing slide show! I’m amazed at how far you guys have gone with this since I’ve met you. Keep up the awesome work.