Lunch Money at RCPL
Last weekend, I joined the groupies of the coolest kids’ rock band around at one of the hippest locations in town. I’m talkin’ about Lunch Money, and I’m talkin’ about the Richland County Public Library. Seriously, how many single locations can you think of where your kid can (1) get story and sing-a-long time, (2) watch a play put on by local actors, and (3) hear an indie-rock concert all in one morning before you pick up your favorite brain candy on the way out? Oh yeah – and all of this is essentially for free, not to mention the bonus of a child ready for nap time once the excitement has come to an end. J.P. and I don’t have kids yet, but I’m taking notes.
Here’s Lunch Money. They will rock your socks off!
Now for a few of Lunch Money’s biggest fans… the spicy kids!
Lucy is both spicy and sweet. Last Valentine’s Day, one of my favorite gifts was a Valentine’s pencil she gave to me through J.P.  How thoughtful little ones can be! Thanks again, Lucy!
Phoenix is quite the observer. I was so intrigued by her attentiveness and many expressions.
You may remember pictures of a much tinier Isaiah. He’s growing fast and learning how to use his eyebrows very effectively.
Alexandra is getting pretty good at eyebrow language, too.
Did ya bring any food, Mom?
Balloons should be available at every concert.
I met some really great people at this last show, and Cecelia’s parents were among them. Cecelia loves to dance and pretty much added a free recital to the rest of the day’s events. Just look at the spirit in this little lady!
So there you have it – great music and cute kids. These kids and their parents had something really special to be a part of last Saturday afternoon. Folks like Lunch Money, who contribute their time and talents to community events, are such a blessing! They are one of the reasons I am thankful to live in Columbia.
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The concert was awesome! Love the pics of the girl dancing. Her face is so expressive.